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Knit on, with confidence and hope...

Through all crises.

I think I found a way to help...


It is easy for me to be accidentally blind to real hardship, even now, while I’m feeling exceedingly blue due to missing my friends and feeling socially isolated, I‘m lucky enough to have work I can do from my sofa, plenty of diversions in the house to keep my mind engaged for years on end, and most importantly, I have plenty of food.





Did you know that 1 in 6 people in Tokyo are food insecure?

Tokyo is an affluent, clean, fairy-land of never ending amusement, so it’s very easy to ignore the sad parts, brushing them neatly under the tatami, and going on with our day. But let’s for a moment, talk about something that makes me very, very sad.

Can you imagine not having the ability to provide food for your children?

Because of the current crisis, in countries all over the world, kids are without school lunches. In my little family this is not a problem, we have a refrigerator full of colourful vegetables, home made bread, and usually all sorts of things I have baked that are calorie dense and fun to eat. In food insecure families, that public school lunch is sometimes the only meal of the day.

Thankfully 2nd Harvest Japan has stepped up as they always do, and has been providing lunches to those in need, along with Tokyo’s homeless population and anyone else who is food insecure.

I wanted to find a way to be a part of that, so I’m hosting a small silent auction of items I’ve knitted while being quarantined in my house.

the first is here: Jared flood’s “guernsey wrap” from Brooklyn Tweed, knit in 4ply Wisconsin wool. The wrap weighs about 340g and is 2 meters by 40 cm.




ブルックリンツイード Jared flood の Guensey wrap

使用糸はWisconsin wool 340g 2m40cm


興味のある方は、 まで、ご連絡ください!


100% of any money I receive for this or other items will go directly to 2nd Harvest Japan.

For more information on what 2nd Harvest Japan does, please have a look at their website here: For inquiries on how you can help, or to place a bid for this shawl, please email me at

Perhaps we can start the bidding around ¥7500, and see where we go from there!

The auction will end Sunday, April 26th at midnight.

Update: Current high bid is ¥12,800. ($118 usd, £96)

feeling so grateful for the Inquiries!






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