A Yarn Story
Harada Wool
Harada Wool is a labor of love, born of curiosity, and a desire to work together.

Cormo Wool
Cormo Wool was developed in the earlier part of the 1960's in Tasmania, Australia. To arrive at the current day Cormo rams of the Corriedale breed were crossed with Superfine Saxon Merinos. The name Cormo is from the names of two of the parent breeds, Corriedale and Merino. This fiber is one of the finest sheep wools, with a micron measurement between 17-23. Harada Wool sits nicely at 17.4.
A family affair
We began raising our sheep in 2016, in Warsaw, Illinois at Bear Creek. Our flock is small, just like our ambitions. We want the sheep to have happy, healthy lives, while producing the highest quality wool possible. We have yarn spun yearly and in 2023 we also worked with Woven in the Bone in Buckie Scotland to have cloth woven from the yarn.